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Partnerships and the Community

We are keen to develop a sense of social responsibility within our students and throughout school life,  through a range of activities.


We are passionate about providing support to local primary and secondary schools and building relationships. These include – online safety awareness workshops, gifted and talented Physical Education, Drama, Music and Science workshops, as well as Cookery and French Sessions. King’s is a link school with Clare College, Cambridge to support Years 5 and 10 with educational scholarship and the development of aspirations. In addition, many of our Sixth Formers mentor younger children, providing additional in-class support. We also have a special relationship with a school in Silent Valley, India where some of our Lower Sixth students spend a week teaching each year.  


Funds are raised for six different house charities with events over the year.  Other annual initiatives include the Christmas shoe box appeal for underprivileged children; Children in Need; 'Show Racism the Red Card' awareness and fundraising, and we work with the other schools across the Foundation on key fundraising initiatives. in 2022, over £20,000 was raised by a non-uniform day, food sale and 20-mile sponsored walk.


Students are encouraged to take an active role in various community based initiatives.  King’s pupils work with the ‘Kissing it Better’ charity, which works to make a difference to those in care or in hospital. They visit Warwick Hospital and entertain patients before sharing conversations and memories.  For one of our Friday afternoon activities, King's and Warwick School students take a First Aid course, and study a further course, aimed at developing caring skills and empathy.   We have a special relationship with our neighbours at Park View Nursing Home, Warwick and students enjoy visiting, to entertain and play games with the residents.   In addition, we work in charity shops and local schools.  This year we have particularly enjoyed our time working with Evergreen Special School. 

During the pandemic we continued our links.  Even though we were unable to visit our elderly friends, we maintained links via Zoom and produced quizzes, artwork and cards to send good wishes. 

Caty Oates, Project Director for Kissing it Better, described King's as 'a rapid response organisation', ready to react quickly to any requests to support the elderly in care homes or patients in Warwick Hospital and the Rehabilitation Hospital. 

From Booklet of Good Wishes for Park View Care Home, Warwick