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Co-Curricular Programme

With over 260 weekly activities, in addition to our acclaimed Friday Afternoon Activity Programme, there is a wealth of opportunity to discover gifts and talents, to develop interests and passions, and to promote health and wellbeing. 

Our co-curriculum is carefully designed around core themes: global citizenship, creativity and self-expression, leadership and entrepreneurship, health and wellbeing, and vital character attributes including empathy, confidence, resilience and integrity.  

At the centre of our co-curricular programme is the importance of community and our work to foster a strong sense of social responsibility. With an extensive network of partnerships locally, nationally and globally, we are passionate about nurturing the socially responsible, environmentally intelligent global citizens of the future.  

Read our Autumn Term schedule below:

There is an annual programme of activities and, with such an extensive co-curricular programme, our pupils can pursue their own interests, and discover new ones.  Activities include Animal Awareness Club, Big Thinking, Cad and 3D Printing, Pop-Up Cookery, Debating, Dissection, Engineering and Aviation, Exploring my Neuro-diverse self, Russian, Debating, MedSoc, Creative Writing, Climbing, Textiles, Fencing, Clay Pigeon, Jazz, Politics, Contemporary Dance, Tennis, History, Badminton, Water Polo, Quiz Club, Guitar Ensemble, Kultur Club, Science Journal and Da Vinci Society to name a few. All activities are led by King’s staff and supported by a team of specialist coaches and instructors. 

‘Pupils’ exceptional achievements cross a very wide range of academic, creative and sporting activities.’

Most Recent ISI Inspection Report