Recent leavers share university experiences with GCSE pupils

We welcomed recent Old Girls for a Hotseating event with Year 11 GCSE pupils, to talk about their own university experiences at Bristol, Bath, Oxford, Exeter, Sheffield, UCL, and UEA. Our recent leavers discussed university life, future careers, and the subjects they are studying, which ranged from Business Economics, to History, Politics, Medicine, Engineering, and Health and Exercise Science. Caroline Gilbert, Head of Futures, comments: ‘They were delighted by what had become of their school, and wowed by the hall and library. They loved the coffee table made from the Chemistry lab benches! A huge thank you to all of them for giving up their time and coming back to share their experiences and wisdom. School may look a little different and be a few hundred yards down the road, but it’s as much theirs as ours!’.