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GCSE results success!

King’s High’s GCSE pupils and their parents joined staff to celebrate their outstanding results!

The headline figures are as follows:

  • 72% Grades 9-7
  • 50% Grades 9-8
  • 99% Grades 9-4

In addition:

  • A third of girls achieved all grade 7 or higher
  • 10 girls achieved all grade 8 or better
  • 4 girls achieved straight grades 9s, the very top grades
  • 85% of girls in biology achieved grades 9-7, with over 67% 9-8
  • 85% of girls in Geography achieved grades 9-7 
  • 100% of girls in Computer Science and Food Preparation and Nutrition achieved grades 9-7
  • 91% of girls in Design Technology and 90% of girls in Drama achieved grades 9-7


Head Master Richard Nicholson commented “I congratulate our girls and our staff for the excellence which is demonstrated by these exceptional results. It is particularly impressive that the girls have achieved so highly at a time of so much change to the GCSE examinations. 

To have attained these results whilst excelling in their many and varied co-curricular pursuits demonstrates the depth and breadth of their expertise, all of which was recognised within the most recent ISI Inspection Report and also the glowing Good School guide we received in June 2018. 

Our girls can now look forward to beginning their Sixth Form years with a very solid foundation. They will be the first year group to have the tremendous benefit of the new sixth form centre, shared with Warwick School, as part of ‘Project One Campus’”.