Charlotte is UK Schools Ambassador for Medic Mentor

King’s High is unusual, in that 50% of girls go on to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics) subjects - far higher than the national average. Sixth Form pupil, Charlotte helps run the Medical Society (MedSoc). She is also a UK School Ambassador for Medic Mentor, the UK’s Mentoring Organisation for aspiring doctors, dentists and vets. In her role, Charlotte attends national conferences, and spreads the word for students hoping to pursue careers in medicine, dental and veterinary. She also brings back resources, plus information on training, and the latest on interview techniques, for her fellow pupils.
Charlotte wrote an academic article, ‘Animals: Hindering or Helping Human Health?’ which has now been published in Medic Mentor’s national magazine. Lottie says: ‘My article was inspired by the One Health campaign, which aims to improve the health of humans, animals and the environment, by working collaboratively. I looked into some negative issues, such as animals acting as carriers of disease (eg, ebola is carried by fruit bats). I also looked at how animals provide positive support to health levels, through increasing mental wellbeing, as well as physically - such as guide, hearing and seizure-responsive dogs, and even giant rats, that help discover land mines!’
Charlotte’s particular interests are surgery and paediatrics. She volunteers at Park View Care Home, and with the Kissing It Better charity at Warwick Hospital.