From Mummification to the Chemistry of Copper

There are so many exciting initiatives taking place in Chemistry at King’s High at the moment!
Students in Year 8 are doing a cross-curricular project with Classics, studying how the Egyptians used Chemistry. We have called the lessons ‘Pharmistry’ and students have started mummifying a tomato and learning about Natron. In addition to mummification, they will also be studying cosmetics, dyes and pigments, as well as the extraction of metals.
Huge thanks must go to our incredible lab technicians who have devised how these experiments can be done within the framework of school.
Upper Sixth students have also returned for our pre-university Chemistry course on copper. They have been doing experiments and learning about the diverse chemistry of copper as an antimicrobial, cause of Wlison’s disease which results in copper being accumulated in the liver, brain and other vital organs.