Changemakers - inspiring the scientists of the future at King's High

In line with the rest of the world, interest in science continues to grow at King’s. Some recent highlights include:
- Celebrating the highest ever number of certificates awarded in the national Chemistry Olympiad. This includes a record number of Bronze awards won by Lower Sixth students - in a competition aimed at Upper Sixth.
- Chemistry in Action day, filled with talks, workshops and demonstrations with inspirational chemists.
- Café Scientifique’s contribution to British Science Week and in-depth newsletters. Read their latest below.
- British Science Week, which was packed with so many activities each day, it ran for longer than a week at King’s. Highlights included speakers from The Wellcome Sanger Institute and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
- Students flocking to our lunchtime Moventis Scientiam club, which crosses the curricular boundary, combining Biology and Chemistry.
- Environmental Action Today Group’s weekly interactive quiz, based on the BBC’s Seven Worlds One Planet.
- Wildlife, Conservation & Sustainability Society organising a Foundation-wide Teams talk on poaching, streamed live from Belize, on UN Wildlife Day.
We must add our thanks to King’s High’s team of Science Technicians (amazing scientists all), who prep practicals, keep the labs running, persuade local businesses to donate items for Biology and Dissection Club, and continually work wonders – even managing to source lotus leaves for one experiment!
For more on Café Scientifique and our student-led societies, take a look at our Academic Enrichment.